Field Innovation Team

As a Field Innovation Team (FIT) volunteer, our Chief Strategist collaborated on the following projects:

ShelterSMART Workshop

December 2017 Strategizing with futurists, technologists, designers and emergency managers on the future of disaster response with BBVA World. MKThink, San Francisco.

Hurricane Harvey Deployment

September 2017 16 FIT volunteers from across Canada and the U.S. were deployed to Rockport, Texas to support community recovery efforts post Hurricane Harvey. Priority community projects included: designing systems for donations, public health digital brochure, #ShelterSmart, community resource mapping and connecting psychosocial services.

Disaster Scene Reconstruction Emergency Management Tool (DSR-EMT)

September 2016 Collaboration between FIT and Ryerson University’s N-CART lab. The DSR-EMT prototype is comprised of three enabling technologies designed to close the situational awareness gap by collecting, analyzing and visualizing data. Dr. Alex Ferworn and Donna Dupont pitched the new innovation opportunity to the Governor of Utah during the Utah-Ontario delegation visit.

Purple Compass project: Field Innovation Team